Hey Guest,
so as you may or may not know, a piñata is a spanish/mexican toy that you hang up in a tree or such, then get blindfolded and you're supposed to smash it and make it spill the candy that's inside. So much like surprises, usually you don't know what you'll get. Which is kinda what this Event is gonna be about.
So unlike most other events, if not all, this does not require you to sign up a deck. If anything, you're not even allowed to do so. You sign up and get stuffed into the brackets. I already hear you, "What the blazes am I gonna play then?" That's the piñata. You don't know.
Whenever you find your opponent, you both get 30 minutes to make a deck. But, the kicker is that you don't get to decide what it revolves around. Your opponent in that match will decide what your key monster will be. This does not mean you NEED that monster to win, but your deck should be revolving around the monster, or its chain of effects. For example, I give my opponent Coccoon of Evolution. They can then choose to build a Deck around Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth. But they selected card has to be in the deck.
So, with your decks ready and built around the Monster your opponent chose for you, you're up for the match. Siding is allowed, but keep it civil. So don't give your opponent a ritual monster and then make a full anti-ritual Side deck. We expect you to be fair with this. Once your match is done, you'll be allowed to finally wash your hands of that madness of a deck and move on. Winners will progress and the whole challenge starts from scratch at the next round, awaiting you with a new monster to build around.
But! You cannot give the same monster to your opponents twice. Keep coming with good dieas and let's make this fun!