Sylveraine vs Daisuke Khazio
(Chronomaly) vs (Nordic Yang Zing)
Duel Result: Testee [0] - [2] Tester
Deck Build: 5/10 Build looks consistent, though some of the techs I do not understand. For example Lightning Vortex over Raigeki. Regardless, it looks fine, I'd just reduce the count of monsters if I were you a bit, and add more support to it. Fun deck, though.
Side Deck: 0/10 No Side.
Gameplay & Concentration:
Use of cards: 4/5 Used his cards well, knew what he was doing with them and didn't throw advantages away when he had them.
Siding skills: 0/5 Didn't side, no Side available
Performance: 8/10 From what I saw no missplays were made. He performed pretty good, disregarding the lack of control. Game 1 he had a Prison lying in the wait for my Machu Mech, but my Lance was my out, he couldn't have predicted that. All in all, pretty well done.
Ruling Test: 4/10 (1 for each correct answer)
We have a ruling test that consists of 10 questions.
Your tester will give you the login information after your match. You will have 20 minutes to complete the test. All reports that exceed the 20 minute time limit will be considered null, and will be graded 0.
Total Score: 21/50
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