(LemonRosey) vs ( agent of love<>)
(Madolches) vs (Hieratic)
Duel Result: Tester [2] - [1] Testee
Deck Build: 9/10 (NOT judging originality, but judging how well the cards in the deck and eventual techs work together)
Side Deck: 8/10 (again, NOT judging originality, but how the side deck works against the most played decks this format and whether it has good or bad cards to side)
Gameplay & Concentration:
Use of cards: 5/5 (considering testee's opening hand. A screenshot of your starting hand may be asked at the start of the duel for a more accurate evaluation)
Siding skills: 3/5 (how the cards that the testee sided work against the tester's deck. A screenshot may be asked during siding to better see which cards you sided. The screenshot has to be given at the end of the match)
Performance: 9/10 (number of misplays that the tester caught, general playstyle of the testee, etc. This also includes concentration, meaning that the tester CAN make minor illegal plays and give the testee time to catch them, HOWEVER the tester WILL have to tell the testee about the illegal play and will have to fix it before the game proceeds. This is to avoid cheated wins by the tester)
Ruling Test: 6/10 (1 for each correct answer)
We have a ruling test that consists of 10 questions.
The test is located here: tester will give you the login information after your match. You will have 20 minutes to complete the test. All reports that exceed the 20 minute time limit will be considered null, and will be graded 0.
Total Score: 40/50
21-40 Ra
Welcome to RA... you were very close to Obelisk =(
Better job next time ^^