Results:(TheBoos2569) vs (Akame)
(Synchron) vs (Shiranui Zombies)
Duel Result: Tester [0] - [2] Testee
Deck:Deck Build: 7/10
A pretty basic Shiranui Zombie build, and looks like a solid one. Though running 3 Priest is not what I have in mind all the time, also, the field spell is meh, but works sometimes well. Also, where the Crystal wing man? Ptolemy is rather situational of a card.
Side Deck: 8/10
Side is pretty much made to handle meta, though I doubt the Chain Dis is much of use anymore, BA are not as dominant, and it hits very few decks besides that. Maybe replace it with something to counter more rogue matchups?
Gameplay & Concentration:Use of cards: 5/5
He used Uni-Zombie to his best, making sure to pump out the synchro monsters while at it.
Siding skills: 5/5
He sided 2 Maxx and 3 Dimension Barrier against me, that's all he needs.
Performance: 9/10
He made slight missplays with how he used Spectral Sword G1, but outside of that, nothing too dramatic.
Ruling Test: 8/10 (2 for each correct answer)
We have a ruling test that consists of 5 questions.
The test is located here: tester will give you the login information after your match. You will have 20 minutes to complete the test. All reports that exceed the 20 minute time limit will be considered null, and will be graded 0.
Total Score: 42/50
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