Izayoi Aki vs Veyez
Geargia vs Six Samurai 1/4
Duel Result: Tester 0 - 2 Testee
Deck and Strength: 9/10
Lacks 1 more Kizan and Grandmaster is too clutch, can deaddraw an otherwise solid Deck.
Gameplay & Concentration:
Performance: 9/10
G1: Win.
Though at the beginning it was very harsh for him to get out the Fuma for Shi en, he stuck with it and managed to draw into his last one, then dominated the duel.
G2: Win.
Started off with the good stuff rightaway and had total control.
Ruling Test: 10/10 (1 for each correct answer)
We have a test that consists of 10 questions.
Total Score: 28/30
Welcome to Red Demon!
0-15 = Power Tool
16-25 = Black-Winged
26-30 = Red Demon