Sylveraine vs IkaMe
(Tester's deck) vs (Testee's deck)
Duel Result: Testee [2] - [1] Tester
Deck: Six Samurai
Deck and Strength: 8/10
Seems to lack 1 or 2 Kizan, haven't seen a single one. Grandmaster is too risky.
Gameplay & Concentration:
Performance: 7/10
Knew the plays pretty well, however game 1 a misplay cost the game by putting Shi En in defense. Hurts the score relatively bad.
Ruling Test: 8/10 (2 for each correct answer)
We have a test that consists of 5 questions.
Total Score: 23/30
Welcome to Red Demon!
0-9 = Power Tool
10-22 = Black-Winged
23-30 = Red Demon