Results:(TheBoos2569) vs (DrBraindeath)
(Blackwing) vs (Destiny Hero)
Duel Result: Tester [0] - [2] Testee
Deck:Deck Build: 8/10
Pretty basic Destiny Hero deck, no obviously bad techs, no bad cards overall. The Compulse is something I'm thinking could better be taken out for another card, as targeting is not that popular these days. Also, how consistent is the DAD?
Side Deck: 0/10
Did not have a Side Deck
Gameplay & Concentration:Use of cards: 4/5
Overall used his cards to his full potential.
Siding skills: 0/5
Did not side.
Performance: 9/10
He made a slight missplay G2, not that it mattered too much. He outplayed me both games, and used his cards to the best of his ability.
Ruling Test: 6/10 (1 for each correct answer)
We have a ruling test that consists of 10 questions.
The test is located here: tester will give you the login information after your match. You will have 20 minutes to complete the test. All reports that exceed the 20 minute time limit will be considered null, and will be graded 0.
Total Score: 27/50
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