(Yami Bakura) vs (kignshinigami)
(H.A.T.S) vs (Six Sam)
Duel Result: Tester [0] - [2] Testee
Deck Build: 9/10 Used card effects very well and correctly.Just made that mistake with Enishi's eff that i didn't catch till End of Match.But he had game anyways.
Side Deck: 5/10 Has about half of side deck but didn't show much difference in cards in both games.
Gameplay & Concentration:
Use of cards: 4/5
Siding skills: 0/5 Didn't See any Siding differences in g2.
Performance: 9/10
Ruling Test: 6/10 (1 for each correct answer)
Total Score: 33/50
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