Name Tester: シー・ツー
Deck Tester: Earthbound Immortal
Name Testee: Zexalfan668
Deck Testee: Ancient Gear Dragunity with added Blue-Eyes White Dragons
Testee duel 1: L 5/20 []
Testee duel 2: L 5/20 []
Testee duel 3: N/a
Deck Construction: 50/100
Was surprised to see Gadjiltron Dragon, next to Legionnaire, and it didn't exactly turn out the best way that it did. But a fairly fun build.
Deck Originality: 20/20
I honestly never seen this deck work like this before, and I gotta give you, it's fun to play.
Dueling Skills: 10/80
Thought LaDD could negate the effects of Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu, but failed to see at first glance his entire effect, aside from the burn, as continuous. Also Summoned LaDD while I already had Apu on the field, rendering himself practically unable to do a thing against me. Practically, as soon as I dropped an Earthbound, it was over.
Attitude: 20/20
Nice man. Could take the hard losses like a man, and didn't whine at all about the strong opposing field.
Extra's: 10/20
You tried, and failed. Best you can do now, is try again, and keep trying, until one time, you do manage. And I hope that time won't be long.
End Results: 120/280
Dorm results: Gusto
Welcome, and congratz.